Bentley Substation Help

Taper Face Feature

Used to add a taper, or draft, to one or more faces of a solid. Tapers are constructed relative to the position of the identification point of the solid.

Draft Direction Sets the direction of the taper on the face.
  • Screen X, Y, or Z — Taper is relative to the x, y, or z direction of the active view coordinate system.
  • Design X, Y, or Z — Taper is relative to the x, y, or z direction of the model's coordinate system.
  • ACS X, Y, or Z — Taper is relative to the x, y, or z direction of the active Auxiliary Coordinate System.
Draft Angle Sets the angle of the taper, relative to the Draft Direction. Angle may be positive to taper inwards, or negative to taper outwards from the start point.
Equation icon

Becomes active when the solid is identified. Opens a dialog that optionally lets you define the Draft Angle setting with a variable. For more information, see Variable Driven Modeling and Constraints.
Add Smooth Faces Faces that are connected tangentially, to the selected face, also are tapered.